Experiences to live in Tanzania

Build up your stay of unique experiences

Experiencing a safari in Tanzania means sharing intense moments tracking wild animals and sleeping in the middle of the African savannah, but it is also an opportunity to meet local people and enhance your trip with various activities which will contribute to this extraordinary experience.


Market day is an explosion of colors and flavors! Fruits, vegetables, cereals, spices, poultry, fish, fabrics, hardware items, second-hand clothes, soaps, kerosene, you can find almost everything there. Markets occupy a fundamental place in the economic development of the cities. Because they are supplied by local populations, they play a key role in social and ethnic exchanges. The markets are different sizes depending on the day and the place. It is possible to sneak between the stalls and discover another aspect of Tanzanian life. This is also the time to savor the sweet taste of mangoes or bananas and why not do some souvenir shopping with the help of your guide.

Canoe trip

Easily accessible from Arusha town, the Momella Lakes, are part of the tranquil setting of Arusha National Park. From your canoe, it is possible to see waterbucks, bushbucks, giraffes, etc … in addition to a high diversity of birds, which will delight ornithologists. It is also an opportunity to enjoy a superb view of the Meru and Kilimanjaro mountains.

parc national d'arusha
velo a mto wa mbu

Bicycle ride

There is nothing better to discover the rural life of a village and the surrounding landscapes. It is along beautiful paths that you will relish a bike ride of about two hours. You will cross banana plantations, rice fields. You can stop here at a school and further in a market to meet the local population of the village of Mto Wa Mbu located on the shores of Lake Manyara.

The Maasai

Probably one of the most iconic ethnic groups on the African continent, the Maasai occupy the lands of the Great Rift Valley from central Kenya to northern Tanzania. For centuries, the Maasai people have inhabited a large portion of the wild lands, hence their attribute of being “great warriors” in the confronted by lions, which could attack their live stock. Since the creation of national parks and the explosion of tourism, the Maasai have been gradually expelled from their land. Even if the life of the Maasai is gradually changing, we suggest that you take the time to share hospitable moments within their community, through walks, meals around the fire, etc. for treasured memories.

dances massai

The Hadzabes

The Hadzabes are hunter-gatherers, related to the “bushmen” of Southern Africa, which whom they share a common language feature, the famous “click”. They move regularly and have always lived in harmony with nature. Despite strict hunting regulations, it is the only tribe still allowed to feed on small game, birds and monkeys. Today, the Hadzabes are among the communities whose way of life is threatened due to the growing system of land grabbing in Africa.
To get to know them better, come and share their activities, such as archery or picking wild honey that has most exquisite taste.

The Datogas

Formerly nomads, the Datogas practice agro-pastoralism and are well known for their talents as blacksmiths “the Blacksmiths”. This activity allows them to recycle a wide range of materials into jewelry, spears, arrowheads, etc. this maintaining good relations with the Hadzabes through the trade of these tools, which play a fundamental role in their survival. During your visit to their village, you may notice tattoos and tribal scarring around the eyes of some women which is considered a sign of beauty.

blacksmith forgerons en tanzanie